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Tips to exercise authority in the best way tryexploreplus 680x536

Authoritarian parents Parents with authority. What is the difference?

Authoritarian parents Parents with authority. What is the difference?

Authoritarian parents Parents with authority. The challenge that all modern parents face is to avoid being authoritarian, one of the most common practices of previous generations, however, to become authoritative parents, which is the way psychologists recommend being with our children, in short, avoiding becoming their friends.


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The difference between authoritarian parents and authoritative parents tryexploreplus 680x536
Parents effective method of authority tryexploreplus 680x536
Parents effective method of authority tryexploreplus 680x536

However, our children’s tantrums can put us on the edge and we even question who has control in our homes. But our duty as parents is to deal with these situations in the best possible way and without making mistakes.es.

The difference between authoritarian parents and authoritative parents

It must be defined that the only ones who have the right to have authority at home are the parents, however, parents sometimes forget that and that is why the roles are lost leading the infant to do what he wants.

Parents should not become their children’s friends or become those “cool” dads that we have seen especially in recent years, as it can be detrimental in the long run for both parties. Above all, parents should be the form of authority and respect for them and that only in this way will the perfect balance be achieved, also avoiding authoritarianism.


Important aspects before beginning to exercise authority

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Authoritarian Parents vs Authoritative Parents tryexploreplus 680x536

It is important to mention that to begin to exercise authority, two important aspects must be taken into account. The first is that this authority emerges from respect for our children and the second is that both the father and the mother should be equal when exercising it, one should not be more good than the other, since the child will only obey the one that suits him best and will ignore the other.

Effective method of parental authority.Authoritarian parents Parents with authority tryexploreplus 680x536
Effective method of parental authority.Authoritarian parents Parents with authority tryexploreplus 680x536

Tips to exercise authority in the best way

Without a doubt, we must ask our children for the things we need in the best way. We must give the right reasons for them to do so and not just impose them. Without a doubt one of the clearest differences between authority and authoritarianism.

We leave you a small list of how to achieve this with our children.

Authoritarian parents Parents with authority

How to guide our children appropriately without being overbearing?

  • Be precise with the orders, since they could be carried out in the wrong way if we leave very complex tasks.

Example: Establish written responsibilities in a visible place such as the refrigerator: today it is Juan’s turn to wash the dishes, and Maria to clean the living room. Etc.

  • Clear agreements with the rewards and punishments, this must be given between both parents and then expose it with our children to reach the best agreement.

Example: If you complete your homework this week, you can go out on Saturday with your friends.

  • Do not yell, otherwise he will not understand you, as we already said, you must ask for things in the best possible way and yelling does not enter at this point.

Tip: When you are angry, calm yourself by mentally counting to 10. Once you find your calm. Talk to your son.

Working parents as a team.

  • Do not eliminate the orders of the other parent, if an agreement has already been reached on the punishments and rewards, the judgment of the spouse should not be questioned if he imposed a punishment or gave a reward. This must be maintained even if the parents are separated. That is why communication between parents is important.
  • Always give reasons, it is always necessary to give our children reasons to do things, thus avoiding giving the impression of imposing things.

Example: You need to do your homework so that you can have a better chance of success in your future jobs or business.

  • Always firm, even when in some situation things may get out of our hands, you should always be firm with the things we do and say.
  • Give the example, you cannot avoid a behavior if the father is the one who carries it out, so it begins to be an example for. Authoritarian parents Parents with authority

Authoritarian Parents vs Authoritative Parents

Parents effective method of authority

Important aspects before beginning to exercise parental authority tryexploreplus 680x536
Important aspects before beginning to exercise parental authority tryexploreplus 680x536

Go from abuse of authority to being very soft

We know that being a good parent is not easy, however, every effort can be made so that our children are exemplary people.


Points to avoid in coexistence.

Setting standards is healthy for your child. She will know that in life, she must always respect others. He will be a better citizen who respects the laws and his superiors.

How to guide our children appropriately without being overbearing tryexploreplus 680x536
How to guide our children appropriately without being overbearing tryexploreplus 680x536

Parental authority

  • Parental authority is only legitimately exercised if it seeks the good of the children or the common good of the family and if, to achieve it, it uses morally lawful means.
  • When parents give their children orders contrary to the moral law, these orders cannot conscientiously bind. Ultimately, this situation threatens the authority itself.
  • Parents must reaffirm family values and encourage their children to put themselves at the service of their peers.
  • Participation begins with education and culture. Most importantly: “The future fate of humanity is in the hands of those who are capable of transmitting to future generations reasons to live and to hope.
  • Authoritarian parents Parents with authority
Tips to exercise authority in the best way tryexploreplus 680x536
Tips to exercise authority in the best way tryexploreplus 680x536

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